damn dairy queen really got that guy by the horns. her majesty's community cream doing service from town to town.

i always feel nervous about keeping up conversation with roadtrip strangers. there's plenty of room for silence, but how are you supposed to know when to fall into it and for how long? definitely a very specific feeling you evoked here. stay safe chip!

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A true soft serve evangelist!

I like that you bring up the dance of conversing with a stranger, having chosen to share space while hurtling through it, but only for a time measurable in hours. Some of the tenderest tales I've ever heard were gifted in these vehicles, and many of the strangest.

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No one ever told me that being a “rock-n-roll-drag-karaoke DJ” was an option and I fear I’ve made entirely the wrong career choice.

Thinking of sweet Riff and your painfully long ride to Calgary. Thank you for sharing such a gem of an encounter!

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In a truly just world, rock-n-roll-drag-karaoke DJs would take their rightful place alongside doctors and firefighters in kindergarten class displays across the globe.

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