Kier Here
Hot Take Think Tank
Ep 15: Accused of Centrism (for Reading Marx Wrong)

Ep 15: Accused of Centrism (for Reading Marx Wrong)


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What do SJWs and Mormons have in common? How can you support a loved one who’s self-destructing through politics? Are paywalls contributing to the spread of low quality news? Plus: an update on the show!

If you’d like to skip to a particular segment, you can find chapters on Youtube and Apple Podcasts.

The Right Looks for Converts; the Left Looks for Traitors

The Coddling of the American Mind

The Fifth Column

My Year of Grief and Cancellation

Democracy Dies Behind Paywalls

Project 2025

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Kier Here
Hot Take Think Tank
A podcast for culture war dropouts about awkward trade-offs in the pursuit of progress.